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The Secret World of Incels

Incels are a growing, and dangerous movement. What can be done to stop them?


The Ultimate enemy is women

In an age of misinformation and radicalisation, there are few more critical stories than that of young, lonely men finding their way to Inceldom. This documentary blows the lid on Incels in the UK and the US, gaining extended access into their worlds.

'Some hammered their own faces to appear more attractive'

Getting access to Incels who are inherently distrustful of the media takes a whole other level of dedication. Our team of investigative journalists spent months on Incel forums, and meeting Incels in real life, to build the trust to finally be able to make this incredible film.

Written & Presented by

Benjamin Zand

Executive Producers

Dinah Lord
Benjamin Zand

Filmed, Produced & Directed by

Charlie Mole


Alfie Turner

Film Editor

Sariel Heseltine

Production Manager

Fiona Clark

  • HULU
  • 47 MINUTES